Sunday, September 7, 2008

Oh Poo!

Okay, let's keep it real here. With every dog comes loyalty and unconditional love. However, dogs also come with an ability to poop. Every dog owner at one point or another has to deal with the dreaded poop mistake in the house. The last couple of weeks, we have been dealing with unusual rain fall and my girls have been REALLY stubborn about going outside to the bathroom on the wet ground. Luckily, Bella is pee pad trained and Kadi will eventually do what you ask her too, but I have to downright beg for them to go in the rain (mind you, while I am also standing out in the pouring rain getting drenched myself and singing the good ol' pee pee song and promising all of the best treats in the world if they would JUST GO!). The other night, I smelled something "suspicious" and when I got out of the recliner to investigate and took a step forward, I realized my foot went right into.... Poo! EWW!! It was pretty much the nastiest experience of my life! So, after sanitizing the carpet and my foot and disposing of the waste, I realized that David was laughing hysterically. I am glad someone got a laugh out of it! I am sure if Bella had the ability to laugh, she would be joining in with him! Anyway, the next day, I was eating a frozen Asian meal and the bottom of the box had a fortune cookie that said "You will set foot on the soil of many countries." David's response? "Didn't you set foot on foreign soil last night?" Ha, Ha, Ha! I am not sure I will every live this down, but as the saying goes, "Everyone Poops!" So, to end this post, I found this Purina advertisement clip that went along with the pooping incident I experienced. Click on the link below to take you to the Purnia web site to view the video: (You may have to let it play all the way through once while it loads and then play it again and it should play smoothly)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Saturday Night Fever!

Okay, I know we have already shown you some JibJab dancing fun, but here we go again because I couldn't resist!! Yeah, Baby, Yeah! So, put on your boogie shoes and get on the dance floor! GROOVY!

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Halloween Sneak Peak!

I know what you are thinking... HALLOWEEN???? It is only August!! But, in my defense, I found the cutest costume that was perfect for our little "B" and I couldn't pass it up:

Now I just have to find the perfect costume for Kadi. Treat or Treating, Here We Come!!! (In about 2 and half months- ha, ha!)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

from bella

Hi!!!!! it's bella! my mommy doesn't know I am on her typing thing and it took me a long time to try to figure out what I was doing, but I am desperate! See, I got a bad tummy ache last weekend and had to spend 2 whole days at that yucky place mommy takes me sometimes to get shots. It was really bad cause i didn't even get to play fetch the whole time i was there! now, my mommy won't let me have ANY table scraps!now all i get to eat is DOG FOOD. A dachshund can't live on dog food alone, EVERYONE knows that!! so, anyone out there who is willing to help me out, SEND FOOD! The good stuff! i really like apples and hot dog wienes, and lettuce, and my daddy's macaroni tuna stuff he makes. pretty much anything that is not dog food. Pleaasse!

ha, ha, i am so sneakee! my mommy will never find out i did this!

little b

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Dachshund Commercial Break!

Here are some funny Pedigree Dachshund Commercials for your enjoyment that I found on You Tube. If you know Bella, or have a Dachshund, you'll get it. :)

Monday, July 14, 2008

10 Things About Me

Okay, so I ALWAYS post about my dogs and today I decided to spice things up and post something about me. Here it goes, 10 things about me:

1. I am scared of sparklers because when I was little I burned my index finger with one.

2. I really love sharks, and once wanted to become a shark biologist, but a picture of a great white can scare me to the point where I jump and scream.

3. I am extremely picky about what I eat, but my favorite show is Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern (David could seriously throw up watching it while I cannot get enough of the it).

4. I am right handed, but I also use my left hand to eat sometimes.

5. I wash my vegetables and fruit with soap and water (Don't tell me you have never seen someone sneeze all over the veggies at the grocery store.)

6. I love children's books and would write one if I could figure out what to say.

7. When I was about 8 years old; my cousin, brother and I once took the car for a "ride" on accident. We ended up in reverse in the middle of the street not knowing what we did. I had nothing to do with it, but no one believes me.. still.

8. I always hear that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but that can't be true because I rarely eat it. I still function well.

9. I have to sing a song to Bella to make her go to the bathroom and it is a really loud annoying song that drives even me crazy (my neighbors probably think I am strange).

10. I always wanted to be an ice skater or a ballerina which is funny considering I have absolutely no coordination.

Well, there you have it! Ten things about me!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Scared of Monsters and Kadi's Attitude

I'm back! Can you believe it??? I have actually posted almost every day this week! SCARY! Speaking of scary, Bella would like to show you something that she finds particularly scary. It doesn't lurk in the dark places that go bump in the night either. This scary thing is found in the most unlikely of places... IN BROAD DAYLIGHT!!! AND... IN THE CAR!!! Check it out(You will want to turn up the volume for the full effect):

In Kadi news, since she has gotten older, she has developed a little "attitude". Don't get me wrong, she is still the sweet one of the family, but she seems to carry herself with a much more attitude of confidence since we got Bella, as if the stake her claim on being the "wise" one. Here lately, she has not been wanting to come inside from outside when I tell her to and has been downright grumpy with me sometimes when I ask her to do something. Don't get me wrong, she will always do what I ask her to, but lately she has been a little more fussy about it. By fussy and grumpy I mean, she gives me "the look" and won't move. This "look" is a look that I can only imagine teenagers give their parents when they don't want to do something they are told =). I bought a shirt yesterday for Bella (since she is the only one who will wear outfits) because I thought the saying was cute, but then I decided the shirt's saying was much more suitable for Kadi. Here she is:

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Puttin' on the Ritz!

What do I do in my spare time? Why, I created funny dance videos of me and David. Don't be fooled, it really is us dancing. Ha, ha! =) Have a good laugh... at our expense!!

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Monday, July 7, 2008

Making a Splash!

Okay, so I know it has been since November since my last post. I admit I am a bad blogger, but this video was too funny not to share!! Enjoy it because I may not post anything else for another seven months! Ha, ha!